How to Keep a Hot car Hot
Read the artticle on page 16 of the WSJ and answer the following questions in your blog. be sure to provide pictures as part of your post.
- In the past, why was't GM able to align its production more closely with consumer demand? Why is it now in a better position to do so?
- Why is it risky for GM to restrict production of the Enclave?
- How does GM's new strategy compare with other auto makers'?
- Under what circumstances might GM be forced to abandon its new strategy?
As we start to disucss marketing in class one of the key terms we will discuss will be differentiation. This is the strategy or process by which a business distinguishes its products from a competitor's products.
Examine Buick's web site, other auto sites, newspapers and magazines to read reviews of the Buick Enclave. and answer the following questions.
- Which vehicles are the Enclave's principal competitors?
- How does GM differentiate the Enclave from competitors' products?
- In what ways does GM's strategy with the enclave reflect the competition if faces?